Door of New Hope
Life Coaching
Marriage Foundations
Marriage Recovery
Connected Parenting
Trauma Recovery

Jan Esher, MA, MEd, LPC
“I will give
from the wilderness,
from the valley of
a door of hope ...”
~Hosea 2:15
I have found, in my own life and the lives of others, that God can reveal amazing doors of new hope, even in the most difficult valleys.
I have also seen the importance of a companion's compassion, insights and "eyes of faith" along the way.
I am privileged to be that companion, to walk beside my clients through various seasons of their lives, to eventually witness those doors of hope, and to celebrate as these individuals enter new, life-filled paths.
It is nothing short of a miracle to see God's movements in someone's life, and I am honored to be part of His stories.
I work by phone with clients throughout the United States and overseas.
I provide one free session up front, with no obligation at all. This is my gift to you.
If you would like to know more about my work, please email or call.